Calling all bikes, skates, boards, wheelchairs, and anything
on wheels with no engine
bring flags, whistles, fancy dress, skeleton masks, wigs, leaflets, music,
friends, family, kids, life, fun, and freedom!
Mayday Critical Mass 7:30 am, Wednesday
1st May, 2002
South Ride - Camberwell Green
North Ride - Camden Town Tube
MEETING UP APPROX 10AM outside the US Embassy, Grosvenor Sq -
for a brief protest against the exportation of car culture and oil dependency,
amongst other things
. . (bring food & drink)
Choose Car Culture & Capitalism?
Choose dead pedestrians, dead cyclists, dead car passengers, dead motorists,
dead children, dead animals, dead trees, dead cities, dead tube &
rail passengers, dead production-line workers, death by debt, death by
work, death by war, death by pesticides, death by pollution, death by
consumption, death by boredom
your death, my death, our death and our dead world.
This is a critical mass linking in with this years
Mayday carnival & protests and the Mayday Festival of Alternatives.
Against a car culture driven by the capitalist nightmare, for an environmentally
integrated transport system driven by our needs not capitalist profit;
for cleaner air and healthier lives not more traffic congestion, pollution
and cuts in public transport; for alternative and free forms of transport,
not restrictions on our ability to travel across cities and borders.
This Mayday, take the day off, go on strike,
ring in well,come ride, play & protest with us on May 1st!
Freedom or Capitalism? It's Our Choice...
Friday 26th April
London-wide Critical Mass bike ride, themed around No Borders, meeting
at Waterloo at 6pm.
After: Balkan/Roma gig featuring Tragic Roundabout, ROMANI RAD,
Empty Hat Orchestra & Tarot Magik DJs.
The starting extravaganza of the Mayday Festival of Alternatives with
food, visuals and dancers.
Speakers and stalls by refugee support groups welcome (contact nlmaydayfestival@lycos.co.uk)
from 7.30pm till 1pm at Chats Palace, 42-44 Brooksby's Walk, Homerton,
E8. Nearest train station: Homerton on Silverlink line (change at Highbury
Entry: 5 quid/3.50 quid cons (3 quid for Critical Mass peeps).
Sunday 28th April
Haringey Critical Mass Bike Ride - Meeting 12 Noon at Manor House.
A festive ride reclaiming the streets of Haringey from traffic
and pollution, showing how much safer and pleasanter our streets can be.
We will be highlighting local road safety campaigns and protesting in
support of cycle lanes, bus lanes, free public transport and eco-friendly
transport solutions. The ride ends in Chestnuts Park (Black Boy Lane,
N15) at 3pm with a picnic and party.
All welcome - bikes, wheelchairs, pedestrians, skateboards, rollerskates;
and anything with wheels and no engine.
Bring music, food, drink, costumes, games, balloons and come and enjoy
the ride...